I am a freelance film and science journalist. My work has been featured on key entertainment industry websites including RogerEbert.com (www.rogerebert.com/interviews/the-magic-of-magi-douglas-trumbulls-quest-to-explore-a-new-planet-of-cinematic-potential) and ScottFeinberg.com (http://moviefail.com/tag/scottfeinberg.com). I additionally serve as an Editor at Science for the People magazine (https://magazine.scienceforthepeople.org/web-extras/noam-chomsky-interview-covid-19-climate-crisis-class-warfare/).
I started Movie Fail (http://moviefail.com) in January 2012, a site dedicated to multimedia reviews, op-eds, academic essays, and news articles about movies and the film industry. My work there includes interviews with multiple Oscar-nominated filmmakers (https://moviefail.com/nora-twomey-director-the-breadwinner/) and up-and-coming directors (https://moviefail.com/astrid-goldsmith-writer-director-squirrel-island/).
I brought my experience as an Editor and Staff Writer to The Massachusetts Daily Collegian (http://dailycollegian.com/author/soren-hough) one year later as I began working for the paper as a film and science correspondent. In the spring of 2013, I was hired as Editor of the film section of the paper for the fall of 2013.
In December 2013, I graduated from the Film Studies and Microbiology programs at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. In 2023, I graduated from the University of Cambridge with a PhD in Biochemistry.
The cover photo is a screen shot from Tete's wonderful short film, raintown.